Friday, November 19, 2010

Now that the weather is cooling off, and we are forced inside more because of early night fall, I've found we are spending a lot more time crafting as a family. For me, Christmas always brings memories of family and treasured handmade gifts we made. With two kids of our own now, we would like to create the similar memories for our family. At age 2 and 4, they are starting to take ownership of their own creations which will make this a super fun year! We've already made one craft which is a set of silhouettes. The kids painted the canvas, I cut the silhouettes, and they decoupaged them in place. I was surprised at how much of their characters they actually captured. We will be making and framing a few other sets for family members. We will also be trying out a new technique this year. We will be etching glass by using etching cream and my cricut machine. They've chosen mugs, glasses, and clear holiday ornaments to personalize with images and names. Photos coming soon! Because my son is really into building things right now we are also going to make either a north pole or gingerbread type village. I love the idea of having something he built, at age 4, to put out each year... and maybe even show his kids. Today, during pre school, I'm off to the craft store to be inspired with ideas for this project : )I'd love to hear about other handmade holiday crafts.. Please share!
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